Monday, August 23, 2010

Blackheads help and face?

i have black heads on my nose and i use cleresail pads but that has not worked and i used them for a 2 months and i have 2 big red spoted on my face too how can i get ride of them in one day or tooBlackheads help and face?
A plain baking soda and water mask is by far the best you can do for acne prone skin. Mix a water and baking soda in a cup until the consistancy of a thinner paste. Pat on face (do not rub) and let sit till it hardens then rinse off. This has done miracles for my sensitive acne prone skin!! Plus it's all natural! Sometimes I add a few drops of tea tree oil too. Once or twice a week is plenty for this treatment.

Drink plenty of water! I usually drink 8 cups a day.

Working out helps blood flow circulate, which can help rejuvenate skin.

Or you can do a steam treatment .Boil a pot of water and removie it when it starts to steam and then put your face over it and keep it there for 10 minutes. Then wash your face. The steam will open your pores and then washing your face will get rid of bacteria and dirt.


HOPE I HELPEDBlackheads help and face?
i have those all over my face.... i guess its just life
u wont get rid of spots in one day. black heads are slightly easier to get rid of but it wont happen over night. but a gel or cream for spots that has 10% or more benzol peroxide, and rub it all over the affected areas every night, you should see a big improvement within a week or sooner.
Use Biore pore-strips.
I found a soap called AKNE that works really well. It contains sulfur and can be really drying so don't over do it. I found it at a healthfood store.

I am going to try the baking soda mask!
if you have kinda big spots you should take a flannel and put it under hot water for a couple of seconds and then press the flannel over the spot for 30 seconds or more. toothpaste dries up spots overnight if you dab a little on the individual areas, but be careful not to put too much because it can damage your skin.

use clean and clear products ;)

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