all the pores on my face are clogged with dirt and oil so they are extreemely noticeable. especially on my cheeck and nose area
alot of them are infected and inflamed and it looks so bad!!
what is something special i can use that will make it go away??
i usually use clean and clear black head control, which works a little but isnt making my face any better right now.
i wash my face every night and in the morning sometimes
i dunno what i'm doing wrong. .help??Blackheads, enlarged pores??!?
Cleanse your face with unboiled milk, gently rub a coarse cloth dipped in milk to remove the blackheads. Steam your face with herbs like lavender, lemon peel and mint leaves added to the water and let the skin soak up its goodness. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.Blackheads, enlarged pores??!?
use benzoil poroxide. or proactiv, which is the same thing. at meijer it is called ';invisble acne cream'; and i use it. it works nicely. also, after they're gone, use a toner on your skin so they dont come back.
blackheads at your age ' i thought it was only Coal miners who got them , oh my ?
wash with neutogena and then take a cotton ball and use witch hazel let dry
Try using plain soap and a wash cloth, or some sort of cloth for your face thats a little rough, scrub lightly. Cleans your face very well and it helps my blackheads. Also try pore strips or Blackhead Cleanser by Noxema
i use neutrogena's deep cleansing face wash, love it!
wanna know a realy good trick? All you do is wash your face for 5 minutes with hot water, not warm, hot water and soap. Then pop as much as you can, then wash your face again with hot water, and then put tooth paste on them over night to dry them up a bit. Use the tooth paste for maybe a week or 2 and they should be all dried out and will go away.
get a prescription from you doctor for tretenoin cream really works
biore nose strips work. also. sea breeze astringent works great at cleansing out pores. use it on a cotton ball/square and rub over whole face (don't jsut do a quick swipe over skin). continue with new cotton until you can rub your whold face with a cotton ball w/ sea breeze on it and it comes up clean. Do this for a few days, and you'll notice a HUGE difference.
You could use Satin Facial Srub. You could buy it for $14.75 at First you find the site that says costomer, preferred costomer, and distributer. Click on costomer. Then you could put in my 'member number' 958729, and my name is Carina Hardy, to let them know that I showed the site to you.
The facial scrub is very good, it has a minty smell, and it soothes and softens your skin while lifting up all the oil from inside your pours.
Take a look at your diet and drink plenty of water, I try to drink a gallon (64 oz) a day. You may be using too strong of a product and washing too vigorously. I was told that large pores can be hereditary. You can also go see dermatologist.
my best suggestion is for you to go and get a professional acne facial. They will actually suck the gunk out of your pores and deep clean your face. It may take more than 1 treatment, but a facial will work wonders.
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