Ive been trying to swueze out the ones on my nose but there so deep into my skin i can never get them out and ive have lots on the side of my nose too im 13 and i have lots on my chin the ones on my chin arnt as deep into my skin so ive been able to pop them and now little warts have formed on my chin what should i do nothing seems to be working i get more and more everyday
what should i use HELPPBlackheads on my nose and chin.?
Oh don't squeeze! I know I'm a picker, it sucks to have them... There are tools that can be used properly to remove them, it's that or go to the dermatologist.
There isn't any product that can cure them, I know the pore strips can help a little, but there really isn't a cleanser that will miraculously remove the things. Benzoyl Peroxide is the most touted product, but it's because it's a bleaching agent, so it lessens the look, but doesn't remove them. Supposedly salicylic acid does help, but it varies from person to person. There are also products with glycolic acid and sulfur which can also be helpful.
Considering your age, your hormones are definitely playing a role in this. I can say from age and experience, that picking doesn't help, nor have many products cleared the blackheads. You can keep them from getting worse by using a good cleanser and moisturizer. Your diet can play a role, as well as, making sure you are getting enough vitamins. Zinc is a huge help for healing and preventing.
You can try some cleansers over the counter such as Clean and Clear or Nutrogena. I like Cerave, though it doesn't have any medication in it, it's mild and doesn't cause any issues for me. Kheil's has great products as well. If you have a Sephora near you they have a plethora of products to look through.
I just wouldn't start too harsh, it can screw your skin up worse. I had to learn a lot by trail and error (I have literally tried everything you can purchase in stores and at the doctor office), which does work well. I know it sounds silly, but, we are all very different people and everyone has different results with products. I can tell you what has worked for me, but there is a large chance it might not work for you, but you'll have to try it and find out.
Also, things might not work right away, I hate this part, but you have to keep at it for at least one month before deciding it doesn't work. This doesn't apply if you have a horrible reaction however, then get rid of it right away!
If it's really bothering you and it's severe talk to your parents about seeing a dermatologist, there are products available that you can only obtain from a dermatologist that can help.
Don't touch your face either, the bacteria spreads that way, I have that habit, it's hard, but it helps.
Good luck, give a couple products a try.
Look for the following;
Active Ingredients either; Benzoyl Peroxide, Sulfur, Salacylic Acid, or Glycolic Acid.
Be careful with products that contain Alcohol, that can make it worse.
Oh and find a moisturizer if you use medication of any kind, the medicines are typically pretty drying, you want a balance, not too dry nor too oily. Try an oil free moisturizer or one for sensitive skin, those tend to work well.
Hope you find something that works.Blackheads on my nose and chin.?
You shouldn't squeeze your blackheads/pimples as this causes spreading of the oils and blokes pores around the area. You should wash your face twice to three times a day with warm water and invest in a good soap such as dove to soften and revitalise/moisturise the skin. Also buy a exfoliating face scrub such as neutrogena or st ives. These slowly remove the dead skin and clears the pores. Also try using an antibacterial on the warts. use lots of moisturiser and if this doesn't work go to the doctor who will refer you to a skin specialist.
good luck
hope this helps.
ahh get some of those biore pore strips asap - they work wonders... + they make special cleansers out there for that specific problem.... look for a product that reduces pores.
ALSO stop pickin it! it will only make it worse - same goes for scrubing. do NOT scrub blackheads..
try Clean%26amp;Clear's blackhead eraser!
well you can go to a dr but there is this scraper thing you press down and it squeeses them out for you and make sure you clean the area really good afterward of you might make the acney spread that is why you might have these bumps hope this helps on the nose well cant help there i got them to and learned to live
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